Happy Saturday! – Lazarus Playlist

Hey everybody!

I am preparing to travel to New Orleans for about a week on business, so my updates will be sporadic.  I will only have my blackberry – my laptop is no longer operational and my next computer was a desktop.  Which is generally fine since I wasn’t traveling all that much, but now I do/will sorta feel naked without a dedicated laptop.

I will have internet access through my phone, of course.

Lazarus had what I consider to be a strong re-launch.  Amazon listed it at a little more than three dollars off the cover price, which is good for those of you wishing to save.  As always, of course, I would prefer that you purchase my books through my site because I get more royalties that way.

I will remind everyone once again that if you pre-ordered Covenant, you will be contacted to confirm your shipping address.  Please do not email me unsolicited with your contact information.  I have to go through PayPal FIRST to verify who paid, then contact each person individually.  That will be a painstaking, all at once process that I will begin NEXT weekend, after I return from New Orleans.  If you send me your info, it will get lost in the dozens of emails I have already.  Thanks for understanding.

Neil is working hard on the cover of Epiphany, which (I’d also like to remind you) has already been written and typeset.  The last pieces of the puzzle are the cover design, uploading the cover and internal documents, ordering a proof, and approving the proof.  If the going is good, Epiphany could be ready within a week of me getting the final cover from Neil.

I am thinking this will happen in time for Christmas, but don’t quote me on that.  🙂

Finally, I wanted to leave you with the 2011 Lazarus Playlist.  Many times, when a writer is working on a piece of fiction, he/she will have a song in mind that is playing while they’re writing or reading.  For me, I envision the film version of Lazarus in my head and choose songs to match the most meaningful scenes.

It’s fun.  Almost as fun as fantasy casting.

Without further ado, here is the Lazarus Playlist:

Make That Whistle Blow (Go-Go cover)
My Humps (Go-Go cover)
Poetry Man – Phoebe Snow
Slow Love – Prince
Don’t Let Me Down – Randy Crawford
Wholly Holy – Marvin Gaye
You Better Run – Dorothy Love Coates
Mary Don’t You Weep – Aretha Franklin
Eyes on the Prize – The Sojourners
Lily in the Valley – John P. Kee
I Wish U Heaven – Darren Hayes
Lazarus – Porcupine Tree

I will save my rationale for another blog post.  But for all the die-hard readers, know that the list is chronological to the events in the novel.  Check out the songs on YouTube, iTunes, or your favorite bootleg man.